Monday, March 30, 2009

Husband gone...again

My husband left again this morning. Stupidly, I had caffeine at 6 pm last night and couldn't get to sleep. Even after a great send off to my husband. He left at 5 am and I couldn't get back to sleep. I'm tired!
Last night he was saying prayers and singing songs for the littlest one to go to sleep. He kept hugging hubby and not wanting to let go. He was extra clingy. I came in to do my part of the night ritual and saw tears in my husband's eyes. I'd never seen him affected by his traveling. I think this many weeks in a row is getting to him now. He is seeing how much the kids are changing while he is away. I try my hardest to not make him feel bad about being away. He is doing what he knows best to provide for his family. He is finally in a job that he loves. How many people can say that?
We won't know for a long time if we've made the right decisions for our family. It feels right, but there is definitely a sacrifice of time. He, or course, makes quite a bit more money with this job. Plus there are the benefit of airline miles, hotel points, etc. Our family time may not be able to be measured highly in quantity but we do strive for it to measure highly in quality. We'll be able to afford family vacations and special times for our children to remember.
When I saw my husband's tears, I also cried. He left the room and I followed and tried to comfort him. I hope he feels better today. My husband is, by far, the sweetest man I have ever met but I haven't seen him cry for so long. It just really got me.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Ahhhh...hubby is home. I have a hard time sleeping the first night he is home. I woke at 5 am and tried to get back to sleep. Finally gave up and came downstairs and watched whatever was on the TIVO list.
Hubby needed a new pair of shoes and introduced him to DSW. He went up and down those aisles trying on shoes left and right. He needed plain black comfy shoes for work but kept looking at these funky (not so straight man) shoes. My husband is awesome. He's got a straight man's libido and a gay man's shopping ability. Now if I could just work on his decorating skills and get him to come with me for a facial and pedi, I'd have THE IDEAL HUSBAND! You know how people will joke that one guy is their husband and their gay friend is their gay husband? I'll have mine all in one!
DSW also served as a teaching lesson for my daughter. She has inherited my love for shoes and handbags (apologies to future son-in-law). She has not been able to figure our percentages at school. She found a pair of shoes in the clearance section. Each color of sticker symbolizes the amount of discount for that shoe. She found a silver pair she wanted and I told her she could have them if she figured out what $49.54 minus 70% was-she owns the shoes. She figured it out in like 2 minutes! She is only 10, so I'm a proud momma!
She asked me a couple of days ago if she could get her eyebrows waxed. She thinks her eyebrows are too bushy (they were fine). But remembering that age and my mom's resistance to me wanting those very same things, I said OK. I took her to a nice Aveda salon and had them done. Given my mom's rude comment on Thursday, I got my eyebrows and upper lip done as well. She barely flinched when she had it done. We walked out hand in hand with our matching red skinned eyebrows. My daughter is hands down one of the most beautiful girls you would ever see. Now, with the eyebrows done, it really shows off her gorgeous eyes. I'm in so much trouble some time (I hope not too soon!) in the future.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday Spring Break

I was suppose to work today and didn't feel like it. I often do that, I'm suppose to work 10 hours a week. Most of the time I work about 3 or 4 but always put down 10 on my time card. I do feel a little guilty about it and every week I mean to actually work the 10-then it never happens. I've been on this cycle for awhile. If my boss is coming into town, I get my stores (I'm a merchandiser) looking perfect but that isn't often.
So I went to IKEA with my mom and the kids. Why do I do that to myself? She annoys me so, I keep thinking I'll do something and then it will be all better. Today she was out of breathe after leaving the store (sweating, breathing heavy, etc). I keep trying to get her to do something to get healthier but she just doesn't get it. On the way home she is sitting in the passenger seat and I'm driving. She announces to me that I need to wax my upper lip. I said, in absolute shock, "Oh my god, you are so rude". She never apologized whatsoever. Just kept saying "well, I never noticed it before." Like that's going to make it OK.
My girl is staying the night across the street with her friend. Her friend has been away on vacation and she is very excited to she her. My oldest is desperately trying to find someone to stay the night. I feel bad for him, most of his friends are out of town or have plans with other friends. I'm also a little worried. He's at a new school (moved up from grade school to middle school) this year but hasn't seem to have made new friends yet. I think it's great to keep the old but new ones are great too! I need to not worry about them. Alot of times I think that maybe it's my insecurities from my youth. You know, if someone is too desperate to be the cool kid and it makes them the most uncool kid?
Hubby is home tomorrow. We need to talk more when he is gone. I'm sure we'll figure out a rhythm to this traveling. Maybe I'll google some sort on online support group. Or I'll just keep blogging here, it's quite helpful!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Careful what you take from the medicine cabinet

I made a deal with the kids that whoever slept the longest and woke up in the best mood, gets a Cadbury egg. It's working so far.
I had such horendous cramps last night! Usually (before hubby started traveling so much) I could fix it nature's way with a big O. Not an option (well, I guess really it is an option-but I'm not so into flying solo). I went to the medicine cabinet to get some Advil. By the way said medicine cabinet is OCD labeled with individual tubs labeled and sorted. I found some codeine that my husband had left over from (I think) pneumonia. It said to take two but knowing that I'm a cheap date, I took one. Cramps left but I was flying high! I kept having vivid dreams and was waking up every 2 hours. I woke (for the final time of the night) at about 8 and feel hung over with new cramps. I think I'll skip the codeine tonight. Advil this morning worked just fine.
I have to cook tonight. I'm thinking spaghetti, it's my specialty. I need to work on getting this whole traveling husband life organized! I feel so guilty if I'm not 100% with my kids. But there are just days that I just want to go up to my room and watch MY TV shows and just be me. Doesn't work, I'm a mom no matter what. Which is good, I always wanted to be a mom. I need to figure out how to be a present mom.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break

2nd actual weekday of Spring Break. The littlest has been in time out or sent to his room 3 or 4 times already. I've lost count. The oldest is not feeling well, yet has plenty o' energy to play his stinkin video games. Yeah, I know I could just tell him to stop-but then I have to figure out something for him to do. I sent them outside earlier but that resulted in one of the little guy's trips to TO (he was throwing pine cones at his sister).
Hubby is in Texas this week and was last week. He's near our friends and got to see them last week. I'm a little jealous yet after he described Texas-I'm in no hurry to get there. After getting bumped from a flight he got a certificate for free flight. Together with airmiles and hotel points we could go somewhere together. I'm just going to marinate in that for a bit. That could get me through a sibling fight or two.
My mom is actually going on a trip without me. Shocker! Yet she did call me a dozen or so times and had me book her trip. She didn't get my humor when I acted like a travel agent. Someday I'll stop babysitting her. Have been since I've been 12 so I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.