Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break

2nd actual weekday of Spring Break. The littlest has been in time out or sent to his room 3 or 4 times already. I've lost count. The oldest is not feeling well, yet has plenty o' energy to play his stinkin video games. Yeah, I know I could just tell him to stop-but then I have to figure out something for him to do. I sent them outside earlier but that resulted in one of the little guy's trips to TO (he was throwing pine cones at his sister).
Hubby is in Texas this week and was last week. He's near our friends and got to see them last week. I'm a little jealous yet after he described Texas-I'm in no hurry to get there. After getting bumped from a flight he got a certificate for free flight. Together with airmiles and hotel points we could go somewhere together. I'm just going to marinate in that for a bit. That could get me through a sibling fight or two.
My mom is actually going on a trip without me. Shocker! Yet she did call me a dozen or so times and had me book her trip. She didn't get my humor when I acted like a travel agent. Someday I'll stop babysitting her. Have been since I've been 12 so I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

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