Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Careful what you take from the medicine cabinet

I made a deal with the kids that whoever slept the longest and woke up in the best mood, gets a Cadbury egg. It's working so far.
I had such horendous cramps last night! Usually (before hubby started traveling so much) I could fix it nature's way with a big O. Not an option (well, I guess really it is an option-but I'm not so into flying solo). I went to the medicine cabinet to get some Advil. By the way said medicine cabinet is OCD labeled with individual tubs labeled and sorted. I found some codeine that my husband had left over from (I think) pneumonia. It said to take two but knowing that I'm a cheap date, I took one. Cramps left but I was flying high! I kept having vivid dreams and was waking up every 2 hours. I woke (for the final time of the night) at about 8 and feel hung over with new cramps. I think I'll skip the codeine tonight. Advil this morning worked just fine.
I have to cook tonight. I'm thinking spaghetti, it's my specialty. I need to work on getting this whole traveling husband life organized! I feel so guilty if I'm not 100% with my kids. But there are just days that I just want to go up to my room and watch MY TV shows and just be me. Doesn't work, I'm a mom no matter what. Which is good, I always wanted to be a mom. I need to figure out how to be a present mom.

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